Young Adult Women Overcoming Trauma

Yes, there is still hope.

People may look at your life and not realize the ways that you struggle

The people around you know that you are smart, creative, a deep thinker and a hard worker.

Maybe only a few trusted people know the truth about what happened in your past, maybe you “pushed through it” and even while it was happening, no one really knew. You wanted to just push it down and not ever think of it again, but the thing is, it’s really not working.

Sometimes pushing down memories of a terrible experience is like pushing a big beach ball down into a pool. You may be good at it, you may even be able to keep it down for a long time, people may not even notice it. Or the people who do notice it, may even be proud of you for holding it down so well. But the thing is, eventually, that beach ball will pop right back up, make a splash and interrupt everything around you.

Traumas are the same way. There is no one way to heal from things that have happened to us, but what often happens when we push down feelings about our traumas is that just like that beach ball, they will pop up when we least expect it, and least want it to. The trauma could pop up by seeing a guy who looked like the guy who hurt you all those years ago and suddenly you are really mean to him, even though this guy did nothing wrong. Or it could pop up when you are trying to apply for college or a job, and all you can think about was the negative things that were told to you as a kid and you just can’t bring yourself to apply. Or maybe you even have flashbacks or intrusive memories where you feel like you are re-living the moment when the horrible thing happened.

I had it better than other people so, I’m fine right?

Wrong! Some of us were told as kids that we don’t have it that bad. That whatever we experienced was so much less than what our parents experienced, that it doesn’t even matter how hard it is for us. That we should basically just shut up, be grateful, and move on with our lives.

Well, I am here to tell you, NO! That is not ok. The people who have given you those messages probably love you and wanted the best for you, but the truth is your experiences DO matter, the things you have been through DO matter, and it makes sense that they still affect you to this day. You do not have to continue to push down the feelings you have about it all.

You can heal from this. Let me say it again. You CAN heal from this.

Even if others in your family have been through worse. Even if it feels a little bit greedy to work on your own mental health when other people have bigger problems and they seem fine.

First of all, they are probably not fine but that is a different conversation.

My approach to working with Trauma with young adult women:

I have seen countless young adult women go through trauma treatment with me and while the process can be very difficult, it is such a beautiful transformation to be able to let go of the things that have been holding them down for so long

Trauma treatment can be hard, in fact I think that you can guarantee that it will be hard. But isn’t anything worth anything hard? And don’t you have a lifetime of doing things that are hard and yet you continue to try?

I work with young adults who have overcome a variety of things including traumatic deaths, sexual and physical abuse, and many other forms of trauma.

I work with words AND with art because let’s face it, sometimes words are just not enough.

Begin therapy for Trauma recovery:

You do not need to continue down this path of trying your whole life to push that beach ball down and pretend it is not there. You don’t have to continue to suffer in silence. Trauma treatment can help you heal and go after that life that you think could be there for you, but right now it just feels like it is right out of your grasp.

  • Contact me to Schedule your 15 min free consultation to see if we are a good fit.
  • Meet with me to start therapy
  • Help yourself live a life that is truly beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside too.

Other Mental Health Services at Hope Arts Therapy:

My Southern California practice specializes in helping young women and teens girls overcoming trauma. Through therapy, I work with people to overcome the pain of what they have been through or what has happened to them. In addition to trauma treatment for young women, another specialty I have is working with young women learning healthy relationships related to trying to rescue people who don’t want to be rescued and struggling with their own mental health as a result. If you don’t live in the Southern California Area, all of my services are available online via a secure video chat platform anywhere in the State of California. Get in touch with me today to start your journey to healing and getting that much needed joy back. It is possible, I am here to help.

Call today for your free 15-minute consultation
